The Nine Processes to Serve Krishna

1. Hearing: Listening attentively to the glories, pastimes, instructions, or Holy Name of the Lord

2. Chanting: Speaking of the glories, pastimes, instructions, or Holy Name of the Lord

3. Remembering: Thinking of the Lord, his names, his pastimes, his instructions, or his devotees

4. Serving: Spreading the glory of the Holy Name of the Lord, or following the instructions of Krishna, a bona fide spiritual master, or an enlightened soul

5. Worshiping: Praising and serving the Deity in the temple

6. Praying: Communicating / Reciprocating with Krishna through the the soul / heart

7. Executing Orders: Following orders of the scriptures, spiritual masters, or Krishna

8. Befriending: Becoming a friend of Krishna (this means giving the Lord yourself to enjoy with)

9. Surrendering: This means giving everything up [sacrificing] to the Lord with full trust and faith [knowing that your fate is in good hands]

|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||

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