Chaaturmaasa Vratha

Aahara Niyama

Any vratha imposes restrictions on food that can be partaken. This is to reduce our dependence on the external material world and realize the inner spiritual power. This is a great way for achieving control over the senses which is a very important factor for spiritual development.

A healthy body is a healthy mind - One of the important factors responsible for the well being of the human body and mind is the nature of food that one consumes daily.

It is believed that ultimate salvation is possible only through human form and unless this human body which covers the soul is healthy noble thoughts cannot emerge from the mind. In fact purity of mind and body goes together and compliment each other.

Not only health but also our mind (mentality) depends on the type of food we take. Foods and vegetables we take can be classified mainly in to three types viz.

Saattvik: one which produces good and pious qualities;

Raajasik: one which induces passion; anger etc (hot/ spicy/sour foods);

Thaamasik: one which is stale, intoxicating, unhygienic like fast/junk foods, hot drinks etc.

Food restriction during Chaturmasam is broadly divided into four categories viz.

SAAKHA-VRATHA (Aashaada sukla Dwaadasi to Sraavana Sukla Dasami)

Saaka Vratha is first among the four Vrathas of Chaturmasam related to food restriction. As the very name suggests, Saaka or any kind of vegetable and fruit should not be offered to Lord nor should be partaken. 

Examples of prohibited items are; all fruits and vegetables including all leafy vegetables, curry leaves; coriander, chillies, tamarind, lemons, spices, cashew, dry grapes, coconut etc. Instead of tamarind dry mango powder is used and instead of chillies pepper is used.

DADHI VRATHA (Sraavana Sukla Dwaadasi to Bhaadrapada Sukla Dasami)

During this Vratha, curd (yoghurt) is prohibited from usage in any form or manner. However, buttermilk a derivative of curd is allowed.

KSHEERA VRATHA (Bhaadrapada Sukla Dwaadasi to Aaswayuja Sukla Dasami)

During this Vratha milk is prohibited from usage in any form or manner. This restriction includes milk derivatives like cream of milk, cheese or other dairy products but, excludes curds or yoghurt.

DWIDALA VRATHA (Aaswayuja Sukla Dwaadasi to Kaartheeka Sukla Dasami)

During this Vratha usage of Dvidala and Bahu-Beeja vegetables and fruits is prohibited. Dvidala refers to any seed or vegetable which when broken or fried splits into two halves. 

Example: all type of Daals, ground nuts, green peas, Bahu-Beeja refers to any fruit or vegetable that contains multiple seeds and is covered by an external skin; example: apple, orange, grape, pomegranate, cucumber and so on.

Why food restrictions during Chaturmasam? (Logical reasoning)
Food discipline during Chaturmasam is to gain control over our senses and thereby purify our body and mind. According to 'Skanda Purana' fasting on Ekadasi serves as a preventive medicine. This is most relevant especially during Chaturmasam the monsoon period. 

During this time maximum fasting is prescribed as weather would not be conducive to digestion and the quality of available food also degenerates as a result of climate.

Generally monsoon days are not healthy days in our country. Where river water is used for drinking, it becomes turbid and this new water is likely to get contaminated causing aberration to the health. Hence, observance of fasting during this period counteracts the unhealthy conditions and helps people maintain their health.

During pre-monsoon season leafy vegetables tend to rot. Due to lack of sunlight vegetables will get infected. Further at times due to heavy rains vegetables can not be stored properly. 

During rainy season due to continuous rains human body is susceptible to cold, fever, viral infections and digestive disorders. 

Hence, only vegetables and grains suited to the climate are recommended. 

Observance of Chaturmaasya vratha helps in getting rid of many health problems thereby one can enjoy good health.

One may wonder how foods can be prepared during Chaturmasam without vegetable, pulse, chilies etc.?

In this speedy and mechanical life, traditional way of cooking and preparation of food is fast waning away. 

Only those following the orthodox system are still holding it alive and hats off to those home makers (women) who are making it possible with their will power.

Even though the living conditions have changed over a period of time with the advancement of technology, Vedic disciplines cannot be dispensed with and they are applicable even today.

It is proved beyond doubt that our ancestors followed these principles strictly and maintained sound health. 

Moreover in these hard days of economy when prices of vegetables and food grains are shooting up one should look for the alternatives.

Food restriction during Chaturmasam is perhaps nature’s solution to maintain a balance in home economy without compromising for health both mental as well as physical and achieve the same in a spiritual way. 

For a healthy body and healthy mind one should adapt to Saattvik food habits and food restrictions during Chaturmasam is the quintessence of it.

|| Sri Krishnarpanamastu ||

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